Arblast USA

Arblast USA

Arblast USA signed a world wide agreement with Arblast to the transfer of Arblast patents,. Learn more

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Kobe Hyogo Prefecture (HQ)
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ArBlast USA specializes in the development and manufacture of advanced cell processing systems and culture mediums, primarily for ophthalmologic and dental applications. Leveraging extensive know-how in cultured corneal epithelial cell sheets and bone formation materials, the company provides solutions that comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). ArBlast's flagship product, the M Stars Keratinocyte Growth Medium, is optimized for culturing epithelial cells from various tissues including cornea, conjunctiva, skin, and oral mucosa. The company is also engaged in research and development of scaffolds with the potential to enable the production of artificial organs. ArBlast serves research institutions, medical facilities, and biotech companies, operating in the highly specialized market of advanced medical research and treatment solutions. The business model revolves around the sale of proprietary culture mediums and cell processing systems, as well as licensing patented technologies. Revenue is generated through direct sales, partnerships, and licensing agreements.

Keywords: cell processing, GMP compliance, epithelial cells, corneal sheets, dental materials, keratinocyte growth medium, advanced medicine, artificial organs, biotech research, medical innovation.