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More about Endeavor Egypt

Endeavor Egypt drives sustainable economic development through supporting local entrepreneurs. With the support of an unrivaled network of seasoned local and global business leaders, Endeavor works to catalyze long-term economic growth by selecting, mentoring, and accelerating the best high-impact entrepreneurs. Endeavor Egypt is an affiliate of Endeavor, the global network of organizations leading the high-impact entrepreneurship movement around the world. With footprint in 26 countries today, Endeavor supports 1,400+ entrepreneurs and 800+ high impact businesses around the world. In Egypt, Endeavor supports 42 entrepreneurs leading 27 high impact businesses (as of end-2016) including Swvl, MaxAb, Brimore, Lucky App, Vezeeta, TBS, Luna, SolarizEgypt, Gourmet, Al-Sagheer, etc.

Supported companies by Endeavor Egypt

ACQUISITION by Vizrt Apr 2024