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Crypto Fund Syndicate Protocol avoids complicated procedures for participation in offerings. In current realities, the probability of getting a shooting gallery or winning an "allocation" by filling in a Whitelist is minimized. To be able to acquire assets in a satisfactory volume, one has to “freeze” one's financial resources and endure high market volatility.

Crypto Fund Syndicate Protocol allows guaranteed participation in token sales at the earliest stage without using a system for obtaining a percentage allocation. The selection of projects for participation is carried out by an experienced team with roots in the United States, behind which participation in projects such as MINA DAOLAND ENREX.IO and RendezVerse

in the early stages.

The actual acquisition of an asset takes place at a time when the token differs from the market price by hundreds of tens of percent. Thanks to investments in the early stages, we achieve a much higher upside than ICO, IDO and other forms of token placement.

SAWA was founded on the belief that blockchains and digital currency will reshape the global economic system, creating a fundamentally more open, inclusive, efficient and integrated global economy. We envision a global economy in which people and businesses around the world can more freely communicate and transact with each other using new technologies using digital currency. We believe that such a system can improve the well-being of people around the world.